12. Feb. 2021 Exoplanet Atmosphere-Interior Interactions NCCR PlanetS Workshop, online Invited talk
30. Nov. – 3. Dec. 2020 PLATO ExtraSolar Planet conference 2020 online Contributed talk
27. – 31. Jul. 2020 Exoplanets III online Poster Presenter
25. – 27. Sep. 2017 Planet Formation and Evolution 2017 Jena, Germany Poster Presenter
24. – 26. Jul. 2017 CHEOPS Workshop Schloss Seggau, Leibnitz, Austria Contributed talk
17. – 23. Jun. 2017 Gordon Research Seminar + Conference – ‘Origins of Solar Systems’ Mount Holyoke, MA, USA Poster Presenter
6. Dec. 2016 The role of water during planet formation and evolution NCCR PlanetS Workshop, Zürich Attendee
11. – 12. Oct. 2013 Probabilistic Modeling in Science and Philosophy Oeschger Center, University of Bern Attendee